Custom Fonts

Custom Font Uploader Premium Account Feature

The Custom Font Uploader lets you upload your own TTF, OTF, or WOFF fonts for use on any menu. For example, if you own or license a font that you use with your branding or marketing materials, you can upload that font and use it on your menus as well, to keep your branding consistent.

Custom Font buttons

You can upload a font by clicking the Upload Font button or browse previously uploaded fonts in your font collection by clicking the browse Custom Font box which is directly below the iMenuPro Font Family list.

To remove a font and return to the iMenPro font, click the red Remove button when it appears.

To Delete a custom font, browse to your custom fonts by clicking the browse Custom Font box and select the font you want to delete from your custom font list. Then click Delete Font and confirm the delete. Please note, once a custom font is deleted, if it was used on any other menus, it will be removed from those menus as well since the font will no longer be in the system.

NOTE Before uploading a font, you’ll want to make sure that your font is appropriately licensed for use in other applications. If you do not own the font, or its not properly licensed to you, do not upload the font. If you receive a message during upload that says the font is not appropriately licensed, try uploading a WOFF version if you have one. If not, contact the font vendor that distributes the font to obtain one without Restricted License Embedding. Also, if you're downloading an entire family of fonts from Google Fonts or some other vendor, and they supply you with a ZIP file, please upzip the zip file first. You cannot upload a zipped file that contains multiple font files - you must upload font files that end with the extension .ttf, .woff, or .otf, individually.

Color Fonts

Color fonts (also known as Multicolor fonts) are a new, exciting evolution of digital typography that is now supported by iMenuPro.

Most normal fonts do not hold color information - you choose the color manually in the app and the fonts are rendered in that color. Color fonts, on the other hand, contain color information, and usually multicolor information, in the font itself. This new technology has allowed font designers to bring rich graphic features like color patterns, gradients, and textures right into the font itself, allowing for some rather dramatic results.

color font sample

Example of the color font Color Tube used on a menu

With iMenuPro's Custom Font Uploader you can now add color fonts, like Color Tube, to your menus. Since color font technology is new, many of the fonts from emerging designers are given away free under the Creative Commons license. If you're a premium account user under iMenuPro, all you have to do is download the font, then upload it into iMenuPro.

Free color font recommendations:

Color Tube from Neogrey.

Color Tube color font

Color Tube color font

Bixa Color from PixalAmbacht and Novotypo.

Bixa color font

Bixa color font

Fattern from Neogrey.

Fattern color font

Fattern color font

Simply download the fonts you want, and then upload the OTF font files using iMenuPro's Custom Font Uploader.

Note Color font technology is currently supported by most of the major browsers, with the exception of Google Chrome and Microsoft's new Edge. In Chrome/Edge you'll see the font as if it were a normal non-color font. But even if you use Chrome or Edge, the iMenuPro PDF menus will still render your menus with the correct colors for the color fonts.

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